Friday, March 31, 2023


Spring has officially begun, and many of us are starting to get the itch for the scent of fresh flowers and the taste of homegrown fruits and veggies. If you’re interested in digging into some gardening but have never tried it before, are short on outdoor space or simply want to try a new planting method that requires less setup, container gardening is a great option.

When should I prepare and plant my container garden?

Now is a great time to begin looking for starter plants, as most garden stores, nurseries and Saturday markets will be stocked up this time of year.

However, when it comes to planting, you’ll want to wait until temperatures warm up at night to avoid exposure to frost. As a baseline, make sure your soil is at least 50 degrees F for cool season vegetables. For warm season crops (like tomatoes) wait until the soil is at least 60 degrees F. Typically, the Willamette Valley will see these temperatures around the end of April or early May. Although overnight frosts can still occur later in the year in other parts of Oregon.

Read more, here.

Trent Lundy

331 NW 26th Street
Corvallis, OR 97330



Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Are You Ready for SUMMER CRAVINGS?

On a hot day, what sounds delicious? An ice cream sandwich or a flavorful salad? Some berry lemonade or homemade popsicles? Each of these items can be made with local berries, which you’ll find an abundance across Oregon between July and August. Check out our recommended recipes below, and give one a try. Or all of them.

See recipes, here.

Trent Lundy

331 NW 26th Street
Corvallis, OR 97330



Saturday, March 25, 2023

Media Hub Resources

In need of multimedia facilities, equipment or technical support? Learn more about resources for students, faculty and staff at the Media Hub from Media Center Consultant, Katterlea MacGregor.

Trent Lundy

331 NW 26th Street
Corvallis, OR 97330



Wednesday, March 22, 2023


Children need support to thrive — and so do the people who care for, educate and guide them at a young age. Thanks to a new $14.4 million grant from the Oregon Department of Education Early Learning Division, Oregon State University is launching the Early Learning Systems Initiative to strengthen the early childhood education workforce statewide.

Located within the university’s Hallie E. Ford Center for Children and Families, the initiative will focus on better serving children from marginalized communities and those who have experienced trauma. This begins with enhanced training that give educators the tools to meet children’s needs, prevent issues like preschool expulsion and reduce teacher burnout.

Megan McClelland, director of the Hallie Ford Center and principal investigator on the grant, says the need for a new training format partially stems from the aftereffects of the COVID-19 pandemic: the current workforce is facing low wages, high turnover and lack of professional development opportunities. In addition, every county in Oregon has now been reported as a child care desert for children between the ages of 3 and 5, with at least three children per available slot.

McClelland adds that federal data (PDF) from 2014 showed Black preschool students were 3.6 times more likely than white students to receive out-of-school suspensions. A 2020 statewide household study (PDF) shows that 6.3% of all children were asked to leave their child care programs, with higher rates among children of color and children with disabilities.

Read more, here.

Trent Lundy

331 NW 26th Street
Corvallis, OR 97330



Sunday, March 19, 2023


Oregon State University was founded more than 150 years ago as a land grant institution, building on the idea that everybody deserves an extraordinary education that’s attainable and accessible. Here you can determine your purpose, shape your identity and values and become who you want to be.

As Oregon’s largest university, we draw people from all 50 states and more than 100 countries to a welcoming community that supports success, well-being and belonging for all. We are constantly learning, innovating and applying new skills to make the world better. You can too.

Trent Lundy

331 NW 26th Street
Corvallis, OR 97330



Thursday, March 16, 2023

Sea Otters On The Menu

Wolves on an Alaskan island caused a deer population to plummet and switched to primarily eating sea otters in just a few years, a finding scientists at Oregon State University and the Alaska Department of Fish and Game believe is the first case of sea otters becoming the primary food source for a land-based predator.

Trent Lundy

331 NW 26th Street
Corvallis, OR 97330



Monday, March 13, 2023

Meet Our People

Alpha Gamma Rho is the fraternity sharing a common bond within a dynamic, global agriculture committed to fostering the highest values and providing each and every brother with superior lifelong personal development and professional success.

Trent Lundy

331 NW 26th Street
Corvallis, OR 97330



Friday, March 10, 2023

Our Values

  • Consistently perform as a professional, integrity-driven, world class organization committed to the highest of standards
  • and driven to recruit men of the highest potential
  • Always present a positive image of Alpha Gamma Rho in everything we say or do
  • Inspire a pursuit of academic excellence among all our members
  • Encourage lifelong involvement in the colleges and universities we call home
  • Foster lifelong personal development through innovative educational, leadership, and social opportunities
  • Engage all brothers in professional development, promoting lifelong career success
  • Attract members representing the breadth, sophistication, scope, and relevance of agriculture
  • Reflect, value, and advocate diversity in our membership and professional lives
  • Ensure sound financial management and responsibility individually and at all levels of the Fraternity
  • Enthusiastically recognize and reward accomplishments consistent with our Promise and Values

Trent Lundy

331 NW 26th Street
Corvallis, OR 97330



Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Dolphins Lending a Hand

Cooperative fishing is considered a cultural tradition in the city of Laguna on Brazil’s southern coast, where the practice dates back more than 140 years and has been passed down through generations of fishers. But continued survival of this tradition is under threat and the synchronized behavior between fishers and dolphins has already gone extinct in a number of places in the region.

The new paper is the result of 15 years of study of the relationship between dolphins and net-casting fishers in this region of Brazil. The researchers’ objective was to understand how fishers and the dolphins work together to catch fish, whether synchronizing their behavior is beneficial, and what the future may hold for this traditional practice.

Trent Lundy

331 NW 26th Street
Corvallis, OR 97330



Saturday, March 4, 2023

Our History

The National Fraternity of Alpha Gamma Rho became a reality on April 4, 1908, when two local fraternities combined. Alpha Gamma Rho founded at The Ohio State University on October 10, 1904, and Delta Rho Sigma founded at the University of Illinois on February 6, 1906.

These two groups are responsible for forming a Fraternity that has grown far beyond what was expected. As Brother Poston (charter member from Ohio State) stated, “From the start, it was our ambition that the name Alpha Gamma Rho in every agricultural college would stand for all that is honorable and just.” Our Fraternity has elevated the social, physical, spiritual, academic and professional status of thousands of young men.

The four pillars of Alpha Gamma Rho are: recruitment, commitment, education and recognition. These four pillars, built upon a firm foundation, support and maintain the integrity of our brotherhood. One of AGR’s earliest Grand President’s, S.K. Bjoronson (North Dakota) said, “I want her men to be leaders of the future, not because they are my Fraternity Brothers, but because I believe them to be the strongest of character and the most honorable and resolute of the times. I want each of them, by their deeds and actions, to justify the existence of Alpha Gamma Rho.” The Brotherhood Covenant pillars make up the principles that Alpha Gamma Rho brothers are expected to live by. Once initiated, each member is required to sign the “Covenant,” which can be accessed here.

Trent Lundy

331 NW 26th Street
Corvallis, OR 97330



Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Living The Promise

Alpha Gamma Rho Is The Fraternity Sharing A Common Bond Within A Dynamic, Global Agriculture Committed To Fostering The Highest Values And Providing Each And Every Brother With Superior Lifelong Personal Development And Professional Success.

Trent Lundy

331 NW 26th Street
Corvallis, OR 97330



The Power of Brotherhood: How Fraternity Life Builds Lifelong Friendships

Being part of a fraternity is about more than just socializing—it’s about creating deep, lasting friendships. Through shared experiences lik...